Virginia Concealed Carry Certification

Virginia Concealed Carry Certification

Every Concealed Carry Certification Course is required to cover the same basic topics. Freedom Services and Training is committed to going above and beyond that information to ensure that you leave confident in your knowledge and skills.

What every Concealed Carry Certification course will cover:

Basic Pistol Training consists of operation of the firearm in a safe and careful manner, the ability to place a projectile from the firearm at a specific spot on a target without causing damage or harm to anything but the target. The recognition and basic understanding of different types of actions and ammunition are also part of the class. Storage of firearms and ammunition, and some of the basic drills and practice needed to make one proficient in the use of the chosen firearm are covered.

How Freedom Services and Training goes above and beyond:

While the list is very long, some of the additional items covered are situational awareness, threat recognition and planning, family involvement, gadgets and gear, weapon choices, weapon failures and corrections, use of force versus deadly force, when to shoot and when to run, Castle Doctrine and defense of property, the aftermath of a deadly force encounter, Miranda and the legal aspect of a defensive event. There are more items, many depending on the questions raised by students, but this list is enough to see that we train much more than shooting a gun.

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