Choosing the Right Firearm for Concealed Carry

Choosing the Right Firearm for Concealed Carry

For the individual that is new to the use of a firearm for personal protection, the choice of a weapon can be somewhat stressful. There are so many different models, styles, actions, and calibers that the mind becomes bogged down in information overload. This class can remove a lot of the stress and keep the new user away from the pitfalls of buying the wrong gun.

This class covers the different choices, available and usable for self-defense, different actions styles, different calibers, and different price ranges. Other items covered in the class are the different choice of clothing used for concealment, concealment at different times of year, off body and on body concealment, open carry, and carrying in your vehicle. The class also discusses who the new shooter could talk to for opinions on handguns. Friends and family are always available and more than welcome to share their opinions. The new shooter can choose what they want to choose to believe, and who they want to believe, but should understand that opinions are basically that, they are opinions. Everyone has opinions. They may or may not be a good fit or a good reason to purchase a specific firearm. Most firearms instructors have a very good background when choosing firearms. Be aware, they are only human and will have their own opinions about style and caliber and so forth. But mostly they will not steer you the wrong direction.

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